Photography Resources
Resources for Photographers
A list of various photography related resources for photographers. All the featured websites are places that I have used or visit.
This resource list is a bit London centric, as that is where I live and who I work with.
Photography miscellaneous
Health and Safety for Photographers
Written by myself (Michael Wayne Plant) as a guide principally for college students and useful for anyone wanting health and safety assessment risk forms.
Mary Virginia Swanson
A blog on photography marketing that has listings for deadlines.
Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines is a great set of standards that digital photographers should use.
What the Duck
Funny cartoon strip featuring photographic ducks
Discussions on photography
An art photography blog written by Joel Colberg, highly interesting and very well regarded.
Photography Equipment
Sony Cameras, Sony make Alpha and an extensive collection of full frame and APS-C lens for a-mount which was the old Minolta lens mount. They also have e-mount now in both full frame (FE-mount) and APS-C formats (E-mount). I personally am using the Sony a7r camera and am about to get an a7s which I have tried, which is silent in quite mode and has great high ISO performance. I have used both the Sony a900 and the a99 for professional photography and I love these cameras and the Carl Zeiss lens that Sony makes.
Nikon Cameras, NIkon is one of the main brands that pros choose for cameras, I have used Nikon in the past and currently use a D850. I have used the Nikon D2X and prior to that a Nikon F4 and a Nikon FM2 all of which where real workhorses for me.
Canon Cameras, Canon is the number one camera maker by sales at the moment and has a huge range of cameras and lens that work for both pros and amateur photographers alike.
Leica Cameras, Leica makes some of the best lens around and their cameras have been used by a extensive list of top level photographers, Leica is still trading of this tradition as they have positioned themselves at the luxury end of the camera market. They are the only company that makes a digital rangefinder camera, I love using these for their unique perspective on the world.
Gary Fong, Makes great little diffusers that make on flash photography work for me. I have one and love it. Matin Parr uses one to great effect on his Canon 5D in the following video. (Martin Parr at work in Perth).
Broncolor, Make the studio lights that I did prefer to recently, they are reliable and last for a very long time, even though they are expensive. I have recently sold Broncolor studio lights that I had used, from new which I originally brought in 1989.
Profoto, There are two premium brands of studio flash and I have used both in my career as a photographer, I started out used Broncolor and recently sold my 30 year old lights and brought into the Profoto system with one flash head and a octagon Softbox which I now use for most of my studio light portrait images.
SpyderCube, I use one of these if the quality of the colour is critical to the image that I am making.
Gitzo, Make great tripods, I don’t really use tripods much, but I do have an inexpensive aluminium one from Gitzo, that I like. I could spend 4 times as much and have a carbon fibre one, but for how much I use a tripod, the one I have is wonderful.
Sekonic, Their lightmeters range from the expensive to the cheaper end. I recommend the Sekonic L-308s as a good meter that does flash and ambient incident light, as it is low cost, small and light so you will take it with you. Some of the other lighmeters in their range are heavier and would probably get left at home unless specifically needed.
Photography Workshops
Michael Wayne Plant, If you want me to run a workshop please get in touch as I have done them in the past and I am happy to discuss ideas for workshops or one to one training with you.
Photography organisations
EPUK Editorial Photographer United Kingdom
They also have a email list that is worth joining if you are a professional photographer working for editorial clients.
Freelance guide fees
From the NUJ, National Union of Journalists in the UK. Worth knowing but not being adhered to by a lot of major clients these days.
National Press Photographers Association
This is the American National press photographers association.
Photographic suppliers.
Process Supplies 3-25 Mount Pleasant, London, WC1X 0AR. ph: 020 7837 2179
I have been using these guys since 1995, they are a great company to do business with.
Silverprint have moved out of London so for Londoners Silverprint are now an online shop.
Wex Photographic used to be Calumet and they merged with Wex they have various locations around the UK.
An extensive range of stores for the professional photographer across Europe.
Ffordes, The Kirk, Wester Balblair By Beauly, Inverness-shire, IV4 7BQ. ph:01463 783 850
I have brought from here and they are prompt with delivery and have been good at communicating via emails when needed.
CameraWorld, 14 Wells Street, London, W1T 3PB ph: 0207 636 5005
Has good deals on cameras and is worth checking out for prices, when shopping for new photographic equipment.
Red Dot Cameras, 68 Old Street, London. EC1V 9AN ph :020 7490 8444
Ivor, runs a great Leica shop that is independently owned, he also has an extensive range of second hand Leica products.
Robert White, Unit 3, Alder Hills Industrial Estate, 16 Alder Hills, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4AR, ph: 01202 723046
Official importer for Voigtlander lens and cameras into the UK.
Direct Lighting, 200-202 Hercules Road, Waterloo, London, SE1 7LD. ph:020 7620 8500
Camera, lighting and photographic equipment rental.
Photographic Labs
Bayeux, Based in the West End these guys are a really good professional Photography Lab
Metro Imaging, Based in the East End these guys are a really good professional Photography Lab
The Print Space, Based in the East End these guys are a really good professional Photography Lab and they have a great little gallery space and active engagement with the photographic community.
Photography and Camera Rumor Sites
Sony Alpha Rumors, A Sony rumor site
Leica Rumors, A Leica Rumor site
By Thom, A good Nikon Rumor commentator and rumor site
Nikon Rumors, As the link says Nikon Rumors
Photo Rumors, Rumors about general photography gear other than Nikon or Leica
Northlight, A good site for printer rumors and has a timeline of when photography products were released.
Canon Rumors, A Canon Rumor site
Canon Watch, A Canon Rumor site
The Online Photographer, Mike Talks about a wide range of things photographic sometimes not so photographic!
Photography equipment review sites
Optical Limits, does in-depth lens reviews that will give you a good idea of how particular lens work.
Photographic Equipment Hire companies
Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras and lenses, Phase One Medium format cameras and backs.
Lighting from Elinchrom, Arri redheads and loads of other things available for hire.
Calumet Rental has now become WexRental with a new link.
Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras and lenses, Hasselbald, Phase One, Medium format as well as Fuji cameras and lenses.
Lighting from Broncolor, Profoto, Bowens and LED from Rotolight and loads of other things available for hire.
Canon and Nikon, DSLR cameras and lenses, Hasselbald, Phase One, Leica S, Medium format cameras and lenses.
Lighting from Broncolor, Profoto, Quantum and loads of continuous lighting options.
Extensive range of filming options as well in addition to loads of other things available for hire.
Canon, Nikon DSLR cameras and lenses, Hasselblad, Phase One and Mamiya RZ67, medium format cameras and backs.
Lighting from Broncolor,Elinchrom, Profoto, Bowens, Quantum, Metz etc and continuous lighting
loads of other things available for hire but orientated towards the still photography market.
Mamiya medium format cameras and Leaf Aptus digital backs.
Lighting from Broncolor and computers