Michael W Plant talking about DXO PhotoLab with PhotoClub 247
Hi everyone,
I am doing a talk with PhotoClub247 (online) on Thursday the 28th of November join me in learning how to use DxO PhotoLab 8.
Follow the link to sign up. https://photoclub247.com/introducing-photolab-8.
I have been personally using PhotoLab now for the past two years and have found that I really love the way it works. You do not need to create a catalog or import images into a library to use DxO’s PhotoLab, There is no over reliance on Ai masking to make selections and you own the software, no monthly licence fee to use, and so many more things to like that I will discuss in this online talk while also processing some my images from a project that I am currently editing for a book on …..
Join me to learn more about PhotoLab and why I think it should be in your photography software collection. I joined DxO as UK Product Liaison, after I had started to use their software for converting my raw images. I have also found that as I was a Sony Global Imaging Ambassador as well as a Nikon and Leica Camera user, I have a lot of different cameras that I have used and I am able to make these images fit together using DxO’s PhotoLab.
Join me at 7pm (UK time) on Thursday the 28th of November, 2024
If you would like to download a trail version of PhotoLab 8 so you can follow along please use this link: Download DxO PhotoLab8 here. This will give you access to a Free 30 Day Trail of DxO PhotoLab 8.