Monday Evenings with Michael Wayne Plant
I am finally getting to launch something that I have been planning for a while, starting on the 25th of April 2016, I am launching what I am calling a Photo Laboratory. This is going to be a series of evenings, once a fortnight at The Fox, a pub near Shoreditch/Liverpool St. The idea behind these evenings came to me because I have been teaching part-time for the past 6 years. I realised that in the teaching that I have done there was something missing and that something was helping photographers to get over their barriers and to develop themselves beyond the technical aspects of photography. I wanted to create an experimental environment, where we can together discuss images, photographers and how we chose to make work. The idea, is that it will start at 6:45pm and go to approximately 9pm then we can continue more informally over drinks, till the venue (a pub) closes or whenever the conversation finishes.
The first night. is going to be on me. If you want to attend please let me know via email to: mw.plant@photographyworkshops.london I want to have a great first evening, so I am inviting a few friends along to discuss photography and I want to make it a good first evening.
For more information see www.photographyworkshops.london or go directly to the Photo Laboratory Page