New web theme: Made by
Hi all, If you are on my website over Easter and it does not work please come back as I am playing with the website and a new installation of the Made WordPress Theme that comes from who have been making some great WordPress themes of photographers. I have since September been using their Milo theme. While I liked it (alot), I found that I wanted to be able to stop at specific images in the slideshow, the new theme will let do this once it is up and running how I want it. I am going to have upload all the images again so that they will resize and display properly.
If you find anything that does not work please let me know. I can’t test the theme on a PC as I do not have access to one for the next two weeks. I will be testing it on my iPad as soon as I have reloaded the images and galleries, as there is a little bug in the system that is gone if I load new pages which is not going to take me to much effort as I am also reediting the galleries. It is after all a good opportunity to update the images on my website. As I have been busy working on a social documentary/Street photography project of the City of London and I am in the early stages of this new project. I will start showing some of these images properly, once I have done a good edit of the project to see where I am going with it. i have made something like 6500 images in the past three months on this project and I feel that I am only in the early exploratory stages of the project. Sometimes, when I am trying to do something new it takes me time, to find my way into the project.
If you have time over Easter I hope you all have a great Easter Break.