Sony A7 camera, 1st Impressions
This weekend, I am getting a Sony A7 to use and learn about.
I am looking forward to begin able to put the camera through its paces. It should be a great documentary photography camera with its small size and high ISO performance so I am happy to be giving it a go. I have a talk on the camera in Southampton on the 1st of December more on that later.
My 1st Impressions of the Sony A7 camera.
For now I have been asked not to post images from the camera so I will only be able to talk about my impressions which so far is very positive (actually extremely positive). The camera feels great in the had small light and responsive. It took me about 5 minutes to set the camera up the way I like to have a camera set up. Some cameras take me longer to find things in the menu. I still need to do a but more digging to find out how to use the AF the way I would like to as it has the ability to select the focus points the way I like them from the RX1 which is a really nice point. The camera battery can be charged via a USB adaptor which is useful if travelling.
I am about to go take the camera for a walk to use it for a little bit. I have already tried a Leica 40mm Summicron on it, with a Novaflex adapter Leica to Nex adapter and it is sharp on the camera but focus will take a little practice. I would love this camera with the 35mm lens right now I have the standard kit lens on it and while it is good it is a variable aperture lens which I always feel is a compromise as I normally then only use these lens at the largest aperture for the long end of the zoom when making images.
If you are a Canon owner then you can get this adaptor (Metabones EOS to NEX Adaptor) to use your Canon lens on the camera which will ease the pain of buying new lens for the camera and get over the fact that Sony still does not have a wide range of lens for these cameras.