Sony Camera and Lens In Use: Part Four
Panoramas on Sony cameras.
For something different and a little bit of fun I do like the panorama feature on Sony cameras.
I have been experimenting with Sweep panorama mode on the Sony a7 series, RX100mkIV and RX1RmkII cameras. I think it is a great mode for those fun shoots when you are on holiday and/or want a quick image of a landscape or scene that is wider than you can capture with your lens. I have found you do need to get your exposure correct as the Panorama mode only makes jpeg images of the panorama.
The images in this slide show were made on a combination of the RX1RmkII and the a7RmkII, I found that I really liked doing these images on the a7RmkII and the 16-35mm lens as they gave me a really wide angle view whereas when I tried them on the RX1RmkII with its fixed 35mm lens I found that I was not getting a wide enough view for my personal taste.
Enjoy the images, they are fun to make on any of the cameras and easy to do. It is quite good that you can change the direction of your starting point as this also affects where you end up. You might find it beneficial to try it a couple of times to get the end point of the panorama that you want to create.
The images in this gallery where created while on holiday in Southern Spain around Malaga, Salobreña and Fuengirola. We stayed in a wonderful little village in the mountains behind Salobreña called Guájar-Faragüit, very quiet and rather untouristy.
I have to say that I am genuinely impressed with the image quality of the images from both full frame cameras and how the cameras manage to stitch the images together, if you want to see the details in these images click on the images and they will take you to the image file so you can see for yourself. I have not applied any output sharpening the these images (that I am aware of) only exported them out of Capture One Pro after adding a little bit of Clarity to the images. I would suggest if you are going to do this to get your exposure right, then make the images. I found a few I did that I was not happy with, was in the villages that I was photographing as these had white walls and these tend to mess up the exposures with blown highlights if you are not careful.